School Supply Lists 2018-2019

Here is a list of the school supplies needed by grade.

re-kindergaren-Mrs. Rice: Backpack; lunch bag; 24-pack of Crayola Crayons; 12-pack colored pencils; 1 Elmer’s school glue; 1 tissue box

Kindergarten-Jessica Lessner: Backpack; 24-pack of Crayola Crayons; 2 boxes of regular Ticonderoga pencils; 1 bottle of Elmer’s Glue All; 6 Elmer’s Glue Sticks; gallon Ziploc bags

Kindergarten-Ms. Plummer: Backpack; 3 glue sticks 1 box 24-count crayons; 1 box washable thick Crayola markers; 2 Expo markers; 1 box #2 pencils; 1 Fiskar blunt end kids scissors; 10 pencil cap erasers 3 plastic folders with inside pockets no brads; 1 pencil box; one 1” 3-ring binder

Grade 1-Mrs Andrews and Mrs Wade: Backpack; 1 box 8-count crayons; 1 24-pack Crayola colored pencils; 1 pair children’s blunt end scissors; 2 boxes of regular Ticonderoga pencils; 2 glue sticks; 2 boxes of gallon Ziploc bags with zip close; 2 boxes of quart Ziploc bags with zip close

Grade 2-Mrs. Crocker and Mrs. Williams: Backpack; 2 boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils; 1 24-pack of colored pencils; 2 Composition notebooks (100 pages); One package of 100-count economy sheet protectors; one 1” 3-ring binder clear-cover-white; one 1 ½” 3-ring binder-clear cover-white

Grade 3-Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Cucci: Backpack; 1 box of #2 pencils; 1 package of thin markers; 1 package of 24-count colored pencils; 1 pair children’s scissors; 1 pencil box; one 4-pack of dry erase markers; 1 plastic homework folder; 3 Composition notebooks; two 1” hard cover 3-ring binders; one 1 ½” 3-ring binder with inside pockets

Grade 4-Mrs. Hartley and Mrs. Lassen: Backpack; 24-count colored pencils; one sturdy pencil box to fit inside desk; 2 boxes of #2 pencils; 1 set of watercolors with paint brush; 1 Composition notebook; two 1 ½” 3-ring binders with clear cover-pockets on inside

Grades 5 and 6: Backpack; 1 box 24-count colored pencils; 1 box thin colored markers; 1 package of blue or black erasable pens-6 per student; two boxes of #2 Ticonderoga pencils; 1 glue stick; four 1 ½” 3-ring binders; three packages of 8-count dividers; one package of lined notebook paper 100 sheets; accordion file organizer with 5 to 7 sections; assignment notebooks for 6th grade only; pencil box or pencil bag; School will provide assignment book for 5th grade only

Grade 7: Backpack; Flair ballpoint pens-6 per student; two boxes Ticonderoga pencils; 5 single highlighters or packs of 5; 1 24-count box colored pencils; one 4-pack of dry erase markers; 1 dry erase eraser; one 2” 3-ring binder; one 1” 3-ring binder; 2 packages of 5-tab dividers; one 5-subject spiral-bound notebook with pockets; 2 pocket folders with 3-ring brads; one package of lined notebook paper; assignment notebook or accordion folder to keep work organized; ear buds are with classroom teacher

Grade 8: Backpack; Flair ballpoint pens-6 per student; 5 single highlighters or packs; 2 boxes #2 Ticonderoga pencils; 1 box 24-count colored pencils; lined notebook paper; one subject 100-page spiral notebook; two 2” 3-ring binders; 2 packages of 5-tab dividers; 2 pocket folders with 3-ring brads; earbuds are with classroom teacher