
Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD

2021-22 (FY22) Use of Federal Title IA, IIA, and IVA Funds


Boothbay- Boothbay Harbor CSD receives Federal Title IA, IIA, IVA, and VB funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965. As part of ESEA, our district is required to provide reasonable opportunity for public comment on the consolidated application and consider such comment prior to the submission of the application. We are accepting public comment on the ESEA application through June 25, 2021.  Please submit comments or questions to Lisa Sharp, ESEA Coordinator,, or the Superintendent’s Office, Attention L. Sharp, 51 Emery Lane, Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538.


FY22 Application Summary:

In our application, we describe the projects that ESEA funds will support and how each project will support our district goals.  The goals that are supported by ESEA funds are to increase math and literacy achievement at Boothbay Region Elementary School and to improve BRES’s Multi-tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), a framework and process for helping all students achieve. 


For school year 2021-22 (FY22), it is anticipated that the CSD will receive $163,169.48

in Title I, II, and IV funds.  It is planned that these funds will support direct services in literacy for at-risk K-4 students during the regular year and, if funding allows*, professional development for PK-8 staff in instructional best practices and MTSS

* Staff salary/benefit figures are not final due to ongoing contract negotiations.  Funds are limited and may not be enough to support professional development.


For school year 2020-21 (FY21), the CSD received $164,905.52 in federal ESEA funds.  This year’s allocation is an approximate 1.1% or $1736.04 decrease

Note: This is a trend for the past few years.  For example, the FY21 allocation was a 3.3% ($5569.51) decrease from FY20.  FY20 was a 2.8% ($5008.91) decrease from FY19.  Due to decreases, ESEA funds are no longer able to support high levels of professional development at the Elementary and High School nor our regular PK-3 summer intervention program for students.  Supporting regular year direct services in early literacy remains our priority.


Submitted by Lisa Sharp, Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor ESEA Coordinator.  Please contact me with any questions or comments at  Thank you.


                                                                                                                        June 9, 2021