Breakfast/Lunch is available to all children of our AOS98 school communities. Ages 2-18.
** Absolutely no income requirement or free reduced lunch requirement. **
Distribution time is 11:30 am – 12:30 pm.
Curbside pickup
- Boothbay Region Elementary School Main Entrance
- Southport Central School Main Entrance
- Edgecomb Eddy School Main Entrance
- Georgetown families desiring bag lunches contact the school office.
- Boothbay Town Office parking lot- look for the bus
- Boothbay Harbor YMCA parking lot- look for the bus
For Delivery: Please complete this form
1. No requirement to determine economic status of those requesting lunches.
2. Offered Monday – Friday
3. Cost for school lunches will be paid by state and federal resources (18 and under only. No adults)
4. Other bag lunch pickup sites will be added as needed.
5. No reservations needed. Drive by, pick up a bagged breakfast/lunch
Please check out our wellness page for further updates: