Congratulation to BRES Zaid Osman and BRHS Emma Markowitz! From a pool of nearly 300 applications, both Zaid and Emma have been selected, through a rigorous team scoring process, to serve on the Maine Department of Education (DOE) Student Cabinet.
These students will be serving along-side thirty-two of their peers, ranging in age from grade 4 through first year of college, and representing all 16 counties across the State of Maine. We are so proud of Zaid and Emma! We are thankful for their willingness to be part of this important effort!
Pender Makin, Commissioner Maine Department of Education wrote, “Your input and voice are imperative in our work to make Maine’s education system accessible, equitable, and learner-centered.”
We are so PROUD that you will be representing the Boothbay-Boothbay Harbor CSD and Lincoln County!!