Coach: Dave Lassen
Start Date/Time/Location: Friday, August 23 9:00-10:30 Upper Field Behind BRES
Preseason Practice Schedule: Mon.-Tue.-Wed. Aug 26-28 9:00-10:30 Upper Field Behind BRES
After School Practices: 3:00-4:30 Upper Field Behind BRES
Matches: 3:45 High School Soccer Field
Reminder, All student athletes need a current physical (with the last 2 years), permission slip, and insurance form completed before starting. Paperwork will be available on the first day or you can pick up the paperwork at the BRES beforehand. Equipment: Soccer Cleats, Shin Guards, Mouth Pieces should be worn at all times during practices and games. Game Jerseys and Shorts will be handed out before the first match. Parents: Please very prompt when picking up your student athlete after practices, home games, and away games. Please direct any questions to Mr. Lassen or to the Dennis Dacus, BRES Athletic Director, or 207 877-1572.