
Free Spring Youth Soccer Programs!!!

Programs: Youth League (1st – 3rd grade) Itty Bitty (Pre-K – Kindergarten)

When: 6 Weeks (April 24th – June 1st)

Youth League – Wednesday practices 5-6pm, games Saturday at 10am

Itty Bitty – Wednesday practices 4:15-5pm

Where: Clifford Park Who: Volunteer parents

Great! How do I Register?

Email Ben Powell at saying you want to register your child, give name/grade of child, email address, we’ll send you a waiver to fill out, and then you are in!

What do we bring?

Shoes/cleats you can run in, and a soccer ball (if possible)

All kids welcome! ...we are building up our soccer program ⚽️⚽️⚽️